Title Tip: Egg White Pucks
Egg White Pucks - easily made in the microwave. Welcome to our series, Title Tips: Simple goals that you can easily accomplish today!
Myths About Food & Dieting
​REMEMBER: Some "healthy" foods that are good to eat while trying to maintain your weight are NOT NECESSARILY the best foods to eat when...
Tips to Move the Scale Down
Tips to Move the Scale Down 1. Get up when the TV commercials come on. Not only will you burn some extra calories, but you will also...
Semaglutide weight loss injections now available!
It's finally here! We are now administering Semaglutide weight loss injections in our office to qualifying patients as part of your...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Sizzling Shish Kebab
Sizzling Shish Kebab: Chicken, Steak, Fish, and/or Tofu Ingredients: 3 1/2 oz cubed: chicken, veal/lean steak, fish(cod/salmon), ...
Our $2 OFF per Pound Lost special is Back....We will pay YOU to lose weight!
From October 1st through December 31st, you'll get $2 for each and every pound shed. Here's the scoop: 🌟 Promo Period: Now thru...
Best Salad Dressings and Condiments
SALAD DRESSINGS 1. Walden Farm dressings: 2. Skinnygirl Poppyseed Dressing 3. Noble Made Carrot Ginger Tips: - Place your favorite...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Turkey Portobello Burger Heaven
Turkey/Chicken Portobello Burger (no bun) Ingredients 1 lb. ground turkey or chicken breast 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/3 tsp. salt ground...
Baked Flounder or Scrod
Baked Flounder Ingredients Flounder or Scrod Onion Powder Garlic Powder Parmesan Cheese Bread Crumbs - plain Capers Directions Pre-Heat...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Sauteed Balsamic Chicken Cutlet
Balsamic Chicken Cutlet Ingredients Chicken breasts - 2 pieces Olive oil - 1 tbsp. Salt Black pepper Balsamic Vinegar - 1/3 cup Garlic -...