Below are 3 of our most popular soup recipes, great for keeping you on your diet: Skinny Soup: Onion-Cabbage Soup Onion-Mushroom...
Dining & Party Tips
Holiday Dining & Party Tips At the Party 1. In place of alcohol or eggnog, carry a glass of seltzer with just a spritz of cranberry...
Lettuce Wraps/Roll-ups
Lettuce Wraps/Roll-ups: Turkey, Chicken, Tuna, or Egg Whites Ingredients 2 leaves of crispy Romaine Lettuce or Cabbage 1 small Onion ...
Title Tip: Healthy Snacks
Healthy Snacks. Welcome to our series, Title Tips: Simple goals that you can easily accomplish today!
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Crispy (non-fried) Chicken
Crispy (non-fried) Chicken Ingredients Chicken Thighs or Legs (skinned) Dill ( * chopped fresh) - key ingredient Basil Onion Powder ...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Stuffed Pepper, Cabbage or Zucchini
Try stuffing any of the below peppers, cabbage or zucchini for a scrumptious low calorie meal. A. Shell - Either use: 1. Pepper: Poblano...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Cool Summer Diet Drinks
Stay cool this summer with the below simple to make refreshing drinks: 1) Take your favorite flavored Diet Snapple (or Diet Soda) and...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: BBQ & Grilling Recipes
Chile Rub Grilled Chicken (Adapted from Ingredients Chicken breasts - 2 pieces or Chicken Quarters (skinless) 3...
Fish Tacos in Lettuce Wraps (Oven-Baked)
Ingredients: Fish fillets (such as salmon, cod, tilapia, halibut or tuna) 2 tablespoons taco seasoning 1 head of iceberg or butter...
Recipes & Dieting Tips: Seared/Grilled Salmon
Try both of these easy to make delicious salmon fillet recipes: 1. Seared Salmon Ingredients: Salmon fillet raisins sesame seeds or pine...